Knowing Christ and His Purpose for Your Life

Tag the teenagers devotional

You Can Be Anointed – Obedience

Inspirational Nugget:  2018 – March For Our Lives-initiators, USA – The story behind March for Our Lives David Hogg, Emma Gonzalez, Jaclyn Corin and Matt Deitsch grew up in a country where school shooting drills are a regular part of… Continue Reading →

You Can Be Anointed – The Will of God

Inspirational Nugget – 2019 – Greta Thunberg (16), Sweden Greta Thunberg (16) has mobilized over seven million children across the world to strike, like her, for climate justice. Greta’s message to the world is simple: fine words about the climate… Continue Reading →

You Can Be Anointed – Waiting On the Lord

Inspirational Nugget …Language barriers are an issue when it comes to spreading a national message of peace. Cameroon is home to a diverse mix of cultures, languages and dialects. Divina therefore has created cartoons explaining the horrors of violent extremism…. Continue Reading →

You Can Be Anointed – Knocking

Inspirational Nugget …In 2015, Divina went on to create the movement, Children for Peace (C4P), to promote child participation in peace building and sustainable development. Divina believes that children are the true carriers of peace and that peer education is… Continue Reading →

You Can Be Anointed – Seeking

Inspirational Nugget … In 2014, Divina visited family in the north of Cameroon, where she witnessed first-hand the impact of radicalization and violent extremism on children. They are separated from their families and face exploitation, abuse and recruitment as child… Continue Reading →

You Can Be Anointed – Asking

Inspirational Nugget Divina Maloum (15) built a grass-roots, youth-led movement of around 100 permanent members in 10 regions of Cameroon, called Children for Peace. Together, they teach over 5000 children a year that they have a choice: that they can… Continue Reading →

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