Inspirational Nugget: Audrey Faye Hendricks

In 1963, 9-year-old Audrey Faye Hendricks joined thousands of fellow kids and teens in the Children’s Crusade, a nonviolent demonstration in Birmingham to stand against segregation. Hendricks was among the hundreds of students arrested and spent about a week in jail for her activism. Images from the Children’s Crusade — which highlighted the violent response from local authorities — caused outrage around the world.


Joy is an expression of a person having some kind of fulfilment in their hearts at a moment; whiles laughter is an expression of an excitement as a result of a happening or an event. Laughter has to come from the mind or face because of an event but joy comes from the heart and that is given the Holy Ghost.

Every believer should not have joy for and in a moment but should continually live in joy because that is the only medium we can draw from the wells of salvation (Isaiah 12:3) and He (Jesus) has become our salvation (Psalm 118:14).

Fight out your own salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12), this means salvation which starts or begins with the believing in the heart and confession with the mouth (Romans 10:9-10) needs to be fought for and one of those tools or arms to fight our salvation is joy.

Now, whether we like it or not, things will not and never go how we need or want it, as far it is about the environment with people with different mind-set but the word of God demands we walk in constant joy through Holy Ghost in the Name of Jesus.


The joy of the Lord is my strength and I walk in joy continuously, in the Name of Jesus!