1 Corinthians 13:5 New International Version (NIV) – It does not dishonor others,…

Wow, I believe this our love subject for the past week and days is really getting interesting.

Love does not dishonor others. The opposite of dishonor is honor. Let’s discuss honor for a while. The first point of honor is listening and respecting people or others. Honor is simply respecting or regarding people, knowing to esteem people high even above yourself.

Say, you are staying with a cousin, who does the house chores, how do you talk to her? How do you relate to even your younger siblings, or juniors at school? If we need to walk in love as our Master and Role Model, Christ Jesus did, we need to honor or respect people.

I read something in the bible about father Abraham and it still surprises me till date. When God wanted to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, He came to discuss with Father Abraham, how?

A Whole God, the Creator of the entire universe, consulting man to destroy a place of absolute sin?

If a Whole God, honors man, this much, we as men, what is preventing us from respecting or honoring our fellow men?

The First Person to honor as a child of God is God, Himself.

Please apologize, to even your juniors, your younger siblings when you are wrong. Honor your parents and everyone that God has set over you, not only in the church but even in the school, the playground, just everywhere you find yourself.


Lord and Master Jesus, I ask that You clothe me with the garment of honor this day, I thank You that You have done it, love You, amen!

Daily Bible Study

Genesis 18:16-33

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