Daniel 9:2 New King James Version | In the first year of his reign I, Daniel, understood by the books the number of the years specified by the word of the Lord through Jeremiah the prophet, that He would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem.

Child of God, studies should be part of our life, when and if we really want to fulfil destiny or any dream. Yes, of course, you have the mind of Christ Jesus or God, because you were created in His image and likes, but you need to study into that realm of God, whatever be the reason.

First, your studies should be on the Word of God, so you know the hope of His calling towards you. Here you will know His plans for your life, and the details of the dreams He has given you.

Secondly, you need to come down to the earth realm to study about that particular subject you are dreaming of, it could be engineering, mathematics, fashion designing, it should be just something that will either aid the affairs of man or the earth.

Paul says, I went up by revelation, but through studies. We need to glue ourselves to the desk of study, no matter what, if and only we need to realise the dreams God has given us.

A day, two or three should never pass by without adding to your knowledge about God and life.


In the Name of Jesus, I am studious, I sustain the grace to know by books, experience and by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, the things to be known, done and at which time, amen.

365-Day Chronological Bible Reading Plan – Day 121

2 Samuel 5:1-10; 1 Chronicles 11-12

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