Psalm 119:103 || New King James Version || How sweet are Your words to my taste, Sweeter than honey to my mouth!

Sweeter than honey! God’s elect this simply means we need to grow or be at a point where the Word of God becomes sweeter than any other thing in our lives. Whatever we cherish or taste sweet to us will always be idolised. Idolisation here means, just making something a priority that is placing that thing first in your life more than any other thing.

God’s elect, God through His Son, Christ Jesus by His precious Spirit should mercy, help and grace us to be able to reach a state in life that we will idolise that Word of God in our lives, not only the reading nor studying but becoming die hard practitioners, no matter what.

We can and will only enjoy the Word of God when He (the Word) becomes sweet to us more than honey or any other thing on the face of this planet, Earth.

You will begin to see the Word of God in a new way when He (the Word) becomes sweeter to your taste than honey. You will begin treating the Word of God with great respect, honour and reverence even in your heart. You will always automatically love (not blindly) the people who carry the Word of God through preaching; your friends’ base will change to people who also share the same regard, respect or honour to the Word of the Lord.


In the Precious Name of Jesus, the Word of God is sweeter to my taste, than honey and any other thing on the face of this planet, I will eat the Word, amen!

365-day Chronological Bible Reading Plan

Numbers 26-27