Psalm 23:2 New King James Version || He makes me to lie down in [a]green pastures; He leads me beside the [b]still waters.

John 10:3 New King James Version || To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice; and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.

Leaders lead for followers to follow! In John 10, the bible talks about Christ Jesus at length as Him being the good shepherd and one primary responsibility of the Good Shepherd is to lead the sheep to pasture, out of danger, and protect it, to a good place of even sleep, cleanliness, the list can be endless.

We have already laid the foundation about Christ Jesus being the Word of God personified and He also said, I and My Father are one – John 10:30. Thus, when you see God in the scriptures, it is the same as the Entirety of the Word of God as the same as Christ Jesus. So then our opening verse says; “He leads me beside the still waters”, that “He”, is God, the Word of God or Christ Jesus.

It is the Word of the Lord which has to lead us in this life, because it was the same Word of God, which Christ Jesus has to follow all the days of His life when He walked the earth.

God’s elect, it is important we come to a point in life where the word of God will be our goal and ultimate in life, when this is decided, that is when the passion to seek or learn the word of God will be birthed in us, through us and by us.


In the Name of Jesus, the word of God leads me, amen!

Scripture Study

John 10

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