Isaiah 6:8 New King James Version || Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.”

The average/normal Christian or believer has a conscience that the Holy Ghost talks through to his/her heart. If you are an obedient or disobedient child, you know very well because you have the Spirit of the Living God in your heart.

Our opening scripture was a conversation going on in heaven about how willing our Lord Jesus was to come to die for mankind on the earth and Prophet Isaiah was able to capture it from the Spirit long before Christ Jesus appeared on the earth for that mission.

We have to come to a point in our Christian life where we will be willing and say yes to everything the Lord tells us, first to His word and secondly to our conscience in our heart because He lives in and on our heart.

Same Prophet Isaiah says, we shall eat the good of the land when and if we are willing and obedient – Isaiah 1:19

We are servants of God because He is our Lord/Master; what servants do with their masters is obedience.


Christ Jesus, I thank You; I ask for the grace to have the willingness and the heart of obedience to always say yes to whatever you have said in Your word and that which You communicate to my heart, through my conscience and the still small voice, thank You Lord Jesus, I love You!

Scripture Study

Isaiah 6

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