Acts 1:8 New International Version – But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Power is simply an act that surpasses the normal human strength; it could be in thought, words or deeds. We have powerful people because they have been able to rise beyond the status quo; either with their thought life (scholars…), in words (speakers…) and in deeds (sports persons…).

As there are powers that humans use to run the affairs of the earth as listed above, same way God has empowers His children to also rule on the affairs of the earth for He has made us kings and priests, that we should reign on the earth (Revelations 5:10).

God’s elect, the power of God is real, as we studied the Holy Ghost is the will of God, and what the Holy Ghost brings is power, said by Christ Jesus Himself when He rose from the dead.

Talking about medicine alone, our doctors are doing as far as they studied, but we can attest to the facts that, patients keep dying, please why? This means their knowledge about the human body is limited; this should introduce the power of God into a doctor or a health practitioner who is a Christian. I read a book titled “Gifted Hands” by Ben Carson (MD). He was a Neuron Surgeon (a surgeon specializing in surgery on the nervous system, especially the brain and spinal cord) and he did wonderful things.

God’s elect, lets never be afraid to seek God and His power for it His will for us.


Lord, give me power, amen!

Scripture Study

Luke 9