Luke 17:19 King James Version – And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole.

Wholeness, completeness or perfection is what the Lord wills His children, the saints to be. We need not to be healed of malaria or Covid 19 while our academics are in mess, or we have a bad family life; but our Father wants and needs us to be whole, complete and perfect because He is also a Perfect Being.

I am not talking as if I have attained this perfection, wholeness or completeness but I am striving and also working very hard to be there. God’s elect, the standard of living for the child of God should never be based on any philosophy but the unadulterated and incorruptible word of the Lord, the bible.

Luke 17:17 King James Version – And Jesus answering said, were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine?

Noticed Jesus used “cleansed” in verse 17 but “whole” in verse 19, there is a huge difference between those two words; “there are no careless statements in the bible” – Bishop David O. Oyedepo. 

As we studied yesterday about holiness, it is the same realm that our Father of Glory also lives in. Our Father is so lovingly lovely that He wants the best for us, not the good, nor the better but the best, for good better and best.

In Mark 4 and Matthew 13, when Jesus was talking about harvesting, He said, some reap a thirty (30) fold, a sixty (60) fold and some an (100) fold. The hundred fold is being whole.


In the name of Jesus, I receive the wholeness of the Lord, in all aspects of my life, amen!

Scripture Study

Luke 17