Isaiah 12:3 New King James Version – Therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.

Philippians 4:4 New King James Version – Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!

We were created in the image of God, we are of God, and are to be like Him on the earth. This is the case the prince of this world is the devil and we are living in this same world the devil is ruling.

Therefore, we are in this world but not of this world; thus, there are some principles that we need to walk on to be able to accomplish the purpose why the Lord sent us on earth.

Since the masters on earth or the world is two (the devil and the Lord); all of them have their way of doing things for the materialisation of purpose.

One of the ways of the Lord to us, which is His will, is for us to be glad or remain joyful at all cost at all times; because that is one of the many ways He can get to our heart.

Being joyful or glad in the Lord’s perspective is when we have a willing and an excited heart toward the Lord and His purposes, mind you, His purposes will not always be pleasant or exciting but He will still expect a joyful or a heart of gladness from us.

One of the ways to maintain a heart of joy and gladness is through good Christian songs and the word of God, especially, in this our generation.


In the Name of Jesus, I maintain a glad and a joyful heart, because the Holy Ghost is resident in my heart, hallelujah, amen!

Scripture Study

2 Samuel 2

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