Revelation 5:10 King James Version – And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.

Reigning on the earth? What a God we serve? He has made us kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.

Reigning simply means having control or dominion over a territory. Wow, such an authority God has given man. Before the reigning came in place, he also made us kings and priests. What then should we reign over? We are to reign over satan and his cohorts, coupled with the frustrations he brings on man.

This also means that nothing under the sun should be able to bring us down, because we reign.

Anytime a situation in the earth realm overwhelms you, know of a truth that you are to reign on the earth and never the other way. Just pick God’s word concerning that situation and start to make a declaration in the Name of Jesus, I tell you, in no time you will see the manifestation, only be consistent and do what the word of God tells you to do, either inspired or written.

An example of such a person is King Solomon when it was said that the whole earth came to inquire or partake of his wisdom (1 Kings 4:34) and of Joseph also that, the whole earth came to feed through his wisdom (Genesis 41:57).


In the Name of Christ Jesus, I reign on the earth; I because God has said and made me, I am of His kingdom and that make me reign on the earth, halleluiah!

Scripture Study

1 Kings 4 & Genesis 41