There is a realm of meeting God which is higher than prayer, praises and worship or anything that takes us closer to the Father, that is the realm of absolute obedience and surrender of our all to Him; in fact that is the only and true way to meet with the Father of glory.

That is the realm of agreement and total submission to the Lord of glory; this is also the only way that His glory or entire glory will come on a man. This is because everything about Him is just glorious so to partake of that glory which is His ultimate and utmost purpose for man, man just has to agree in total obedience, submission and surrender and that same glory on the Son Christ Jesus will come on man.

Genesis 18:19 New King James Version – For I have known him, in order that he may command his children and his household after him, that they keep the way of the Lord, to do righteousness and justice, that the Lord may bring to Abraham what He has spoken to him.”

There is no way; God can talk about a man like the above scripture if and when the man has not surrendered to the Lord.

Surrender is simply going all out for the Lord, in that realm or pedestal, whatever He (God) wills or desires becomes a law for you and you dare not have an alternative to it.


In the Name of Jesus, I ask and receive the strength to be able to surrender all to You, and Your purpose for my life, amen!

Scripture Study

Genesis 18

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