James 4:7 King James Version – Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
To resist someone is just have a “BLOCK” method for him or her. You resist people on your mobile phone or social media handles by clicking on the “block” button against their names or contact; this is the same thing the bible is telling us to do, which is the will of God for our lives.
John 14:30 King James Version – Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.
This is Christ Jesus talking, which is also very possible with us today: 1 John 4:17 New International Version – This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the Day of Judgment: In this world we are like Jesus.
As Jesus is so are we in this life, when Jesus was been tempted by the devil (refer to scripture study) during and after His fasting and prayers, He was able to resist the devil because of the word which was Him, He was able to resist the devil and he fled, but how come it is the opposite in our world today?
We need to be intentional about resisting the enemy, the devil and sin because that is the tool he uses. We are resisting the devil because it is the will of God and it is also a must we please our Maker.
Christ Jesus, as You were, so I am in this world, I possess the power to resist the devil and he has no option than to flee, hallelujah!
Scripture Study
Matthew 4
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