Inspirational Nugget 2017 – Mohamad Al Jounde (16), Syria
…Not long after, Mohamad became a refugee himself. His mother was arrested and detained twice, and when they received a threat that she would be killed by the regime, his family had to pack their belongings and disappear without saying goodbye…
The Will of God – Subdue
Genesis 1:28 New International Version – …God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.
An example of subduing the earth to our favor is when Elijah had to speak to the clouds not to give rains in 1 Kings 17 and prayed for the rains to come back in chapter 18. Moses, Elijah and Elisha parting the red sea to have a dry land to pass through. Joshua talking to the sun to be still until he finishes fighting in Joshua 10.
Christ Jesus having the power to subdue, curb or bring to nought the pressing issues of life, like walking on the waters, Peter walking on the water; on one occasion, a snake fastens itself around Paul and bites him, Paul just shook the snake off his hand, then he went about doing his own thing to the Lord’s glory.
Never forget the prince of this world is the devil or satan, he came to steal, kill and destroy in John 10:10, without us having the power to subdue his troubles, we can never rule as intended by our God.
Never take and accept a “NO” especially if you know that is the will of God for you, have the strength to subdue.
In the Name of Jesus, I subdue anything to the favor of God’s agenda for my life and my loved ones, hallelujah!
Scripture Study
Joshua 10
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