Inspirational Nugget: 2018: March For Our Lives-initiators, USA – The Road to Change

…Together with members of other youth-led organizations, March for Our Lives visited more than 80 communities in 2 months and registered at least 10,000 voters. But according to the students, the impact of their tour can’t be measured in numbers alone. They have seen young people learn to make their voice heard, find a purpose in their community, and even run for office. Politicians, the media and the public have started listening to the next generation.

“I know you want us to be kids, but we have more important things to do”…


The Will of God – Part 1

Genesis 1:26 New International Version – Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

A “will” is simply the desire or wish of a person, when followed with plan and actions becomes a reality. In creation, God just made His wish and desire come to pass as we would see in our Scripture Study.

The same way God has a will, wish or desire for man; man also has his or her own desires, wishes or will that rules his life. Example, in our opening scripture it was the will of God for man to rule, but what is happening now?

We are going to delve into some of the wills of God soon.


In the Name of Jesus, my will is aligned to the will of God; I have no ambition in life but God’s, amen!

Scripture Study

Genesis 1