Inspirational Nugget: March For Our Lives’ Actions Screenshot

…March For Our Lives could count on a broad base. What started out as a global cry for a safer future turned into a well-defined youth-led movement. The heart of the organization now consists of more than 20 young people who manage more than 1200 local teams from a central office…


Why The Anointing – To Bring God’s Mind/Agenda Back

Joel 2:25 King James Version – And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.

In Genesis 1, God had an agenda for man, but man failed God  in chapter 3; because of the loving kindness of our God who does not repent or relent in doing good, He sends His Son Christ Jesus to restore His people and plan back to Him.

After the death of Christ Jesus, He promises us with the Holy Ghost (Acts 1) who will come on us and anoint us to be able to bring back the initial mind or agenda of God back to humanity.

Examples: a relationship with God, divine health, prosperity, sound mind, long life, peace, and the least can be endless.

The occupants of the earth happens to be men, so if the Lord finds a man who is ready and willing to carry His anointing through the Holy Ghost, then His agenda will come back to the earth or humanity through that man in the Name of Jesus.


In the Name of Jesus, I walk in the anointing of the Holy Ghost; to bring back the agenda/mind of the Lord of Hosts, amen!

Scripture Study

Joel 2