Inspirational Nugget

Cynthia Dankwa is a young actress and she made Ghana proud at the 2019 Africa Movie Academy Awards (AMAA 2019) as she emerged as the Best Young/Promising Actor in Africa.


The Anointing

1 Samuel 16:13 New International Version – So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David. Samuel then went to Ramah.

Do you realise the power of God came powerfully on David after he was anointed by the prophet Samuel in our opening scripture?

The anointing is simply the power of God that comes on a man for work, yes not for anything but for work to enhance the kingdom of God and also better the life of humanity in anyway.

No man can work to enhance the Kingdom of the Lord, without the anointing of the Holy Ghost on him or her. The enablement that makes us peculiar in an area of function or work is what is called the anointing.

God will always anoint people to occupy certain offices to be able to enhance His kingdom or better the life of humanity on earth.

This is why we are never sufficient of ourselves but need to constantly be with Him until we are endowed with power from on high (Luke 24:49; the anointing).

God’s elect, the Holy Spirit of the Lord is a gift that comes to a believer free of charge but the power of God or the anointing that comes on a man for work, will never come on a silver platter, there are rudiments that will make us have the anointing; this is what we are coming to study in this some few weeks.

Scripture Study

1 Samuel 16