Inspirational Nugget

Many young illegal immigrants who were taken to the U.S. as children because of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program in the 2012 year are supposed to be deported due to President Donald Trump’s initiative to stop the program. Returning to Mexico, ‘dreamers’ are looking for opportunities to adapt to a new place of living. Two Mexican entrepreneurs launched a software engineering boot camp and created the course, called Hola </code> designed after Hack Reactor, a popular coding school in San Francisco. The school helps and empowers Mexican immigrants to expand technological progress in local companies.


Worship, Love Affair – Passion

Passion is just when your heart goes for something or someone no matter what. At times you cannot really tell how and why your heart is even after such a person or a thing, it means passion has come to place.

If God or Christ Jesus was not passionate about humanity, there is no way He would be this mindful of us, as the Psalmist said, refer to the scripture study.

As the Lord is passionate about us and we have agreed to worship Him in truth and in Spirit, we also need to be that passionate about Him, His kingdom, His people and the work or the reason why He brought us to earth.

If you are really a Jesus lover, everybody should see or should know it. We cannot fake if we have or not have passion for someone or something, it is just overtime, and it would show clearly.

If really need or want a walk with the Spirit, then passion should be the lead factor.


In the Name of Jesus, we are being passionate about God and His kingdom the more on every account, amen!

Scripture Study

Psalm 8