Inspirational Nugget

A young Nigerian, Chika Ofili has been awarded at the TruLittle Hero for discovering a new way to divide in mathematics. The UK-based Nigerian is 12 years and has Nigeria and Africa proud. Chika Ofili discovered a new mathematical formula that made the study of mathematics easier.


The Deeds of the Flesh – Selfish Ambition

Galatians 5:20 – New International Version …idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions…

In our scripture study, man said let us build ourselves; that is the selfish man talking outside the will of God for his life.

As a believer everything you do in life should be to the glory of the Lord, either than that, it is going to be witchcraft as a result of the deed of the flesh.

When you are taking any decision in life as a believer, you should first think of God, if that decision will be pleasing to Him and does it align for His agenda for your life? Example, you know very well that you are called to be a teacher but because someone or even a parent advised doctor or an engineer is prestigious and they are paid well, you quickly switch without thinking of the gift of teaching the All Wise, God has given you.

The bible calls this a deed of the flesh as a result of witchcraft.

Let us do well to the will of the Father as Jesus cried and prayed in the garden of Gethsemane –   Matthew 26:36-56


In the Name of Jesus, rid me of every selfish ambition to be able to fulfil your purpose here on earth, amen!

Scripture Study

Genesis 11:1-9

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