Inspirational Nugget
(CNN) — Several rival companies may be hard at work trying to get Elon Musk’s Hyperloop concept off the ground, but hurtling across country — maybe even across continents — at 600 miles per hour in a low-pressure steel tube still feels far from reality.
But 13-year-old New York student Caroline Crouchley may have invented a more economically viable and eco-friendly Hyperloop solution.
Crouchley’s idea, which just won second place in the annual 3M Young Scientist Challenge, is to build pneumatic tubes next to existing train tracks.
Magnetic shuttles would travel through these vacuum tubes, connected via magnetic arm to trains traveling on the existing tracks.
The Deeds of the Flesh – Fits of Rage
Galatians 5:20 – New International Version …idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions…
Fits of rage is a fierce anger – God’s elect, please read to listen with your heart; the human being is never perfect because he fell from the grace of God in the Garden of Eden.
You are right or wrong, people will hurt you at all cost but you keeping it to heart is what makes it a sin. Ephesians 4:26 says we should not allow the sun set on our anger, thereby making room for the devil.
God’s elect, whether you are right or wrong, continuous or perpetual anger will cause your relationship with the Lord and you will face the consequence squarely if your anger makes you act in a way that is against the laws of the nation you are in.
In the Name of Jesus, I am delivered from any arrow of the enemy that manifests itself in anger for me to act otherwise, amen!
Scripture Study
Genesis 27
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