Inspiration Nugget
Born in 1794, William Cullen Bryant wrote one of his first published pieces when he was 13. “The Embargo,” published in 1808, was a critique of American President Thomas Jefferson.
Bryant was a 16-year-old student at Williams College when he wrote “Thanatopsis,” one of his signature poems. It wouldn’t be published until 1817, however.
The Deed of the Flesh – Discord
Galatians 5:20 New International Version – …idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions…
Still under the explanation of witchcraft; discord – when you seem to just be disagreeing with everyone around you because you think you are always right especially people in authority; please I am not saying our leaders are always right.
Discord is when disharmony or disunity happens among people by the action of someone – a typical example is the serpent that is a representation of satan in the beginning. He succeeded to bring a discord between God and man and even between the husband, Adam and the wife, Eve.
Unity is always strength as we would say, togetherness is Godly and Christian, it is witchcraft for people to always bring confusion into the lives of loved ones, what do you get from that?
If you or there is someone who will like to manipulate people against someone, that is pure witchcraft and the Christian should never engage in such activity for no reason.
We are to bring the world to Jesus, how then do we go sowing a seed of discord in the heart of that same people?
In the Name of Jesus, I am custodian of peace and harmony; thereby I sow togetherness in the heart of people but never discord, amen!
Scripture Study
Genesis 3
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