Inspirational Nugget

Born in 1890 in Adelaide, Australia, Lawrence Bragg studied physics at the University of Cambridge. He began work with his father on X-rays, a project that would win them both the Nobel Prize in physics in 1915(when he was 25). 

Like so many young men of his generation, Bragg devoted his energies to the war effort during World War I. When the prize was announced, Bragg was acting as a sound adviser for the British Army.


The Deeds of the Flesh – Hatred

Galatians 5:20 New International Version – …idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions…

Another witchcraft character in the days of Christ Jesus and John the Baptist was Herodias; he hated John the Baptist to her core that she requested for his head through the daughter when she danced to please the king; Herod.

The opposite of hatred is love. God’s elect, we have the single honour to love humanity, it does not mean we should just mingle with just anybody at anywhere (we are in a wicked world).

You can hate the activities of people but never the people themselves because they have been made in God’s image and that we need to rescue them from the bit of hell.

I hate you, him or her. Please these words should never come from your mouth because it is an act or deed of witchcraft as we see in the bible as a work of the flesh and we already discussed that the flesh is against the things of God.

We are called to love never to hate.


Christ Jesus, in Your Name, get me rid of any kind of hatred in my heart and life, now, amen!

Scripture Study

Matthew 14:1-12