Inspirational Nugget
About three years ago, Novak (12 years) and his older brother-in-law started making videos in which Novak played a giggly, effervescent character known as Kid President. Soon, actor Rainn Wilson invited Kid President to be a guest artist on his Youtube channel.
Novak’s first viral hit— a motivational video titled “A Pep Talk from Kid President to You”— has been viewed more than 38 million times.
Novak suffers from osteogenesis imperfecta, a rare, genetic disorder that causes brittle bones. Novak has had more than 70 broken bones and 13 surgeries in his short life, ABC News reports.
How to Receive the Spirit – Treasure Him
Matthew 6:21 New International Version – For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
We need to treasure the Lord with the whole of our hearts as we discussed yesterday; things treasured can never be hidden in our lives. We need to treasure the Lord Jesus more than anything in life.
We need to treasure the Lord more than our phones, social media, friends, in fact everything which is in this natural world because He is the Alpha and Omega or the Beginning and the End – Revelation 1:8.
When we treasure something, we do everything possible to get that thing; when and truly we treasure or adore the Lord, genuinely in our hearts, there is no way we would not have His Holy Spirit over time.
A person would always be at where he or she is appreciated, loved, welcomed, adore, the adjective can be countless, all of those adjectives are just the definition of “treasure”.
In the Name of Jesus, help me treasure the Holy Spirit and all that pertains to Him, amen!
Scripture Study
Matthew 6:19-24
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