Inspirational Nugget
In early 2016, Hasan and Shireen decided to dedicate their after-school free time to other kids who wanted an education. Together, they transformed an open lot into The Street School.
In Pakistan, many parents don’t support their children’s education — instead, kids are forced to work or beg for money in the street. So Hasan and Shireen decided to start their school day at 4 p.m., accommodating students who must spend their days engaged in non-educational activities.
Today, the siblings told INSIDER, they’ve increased enrollment from 25 to 80 students, and they now employ six paid teachers. They also support students by giving them money, food, and clothes.
How to receive the Spirit – A heart for God
Jeremiah 29:13 New International Version – You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
One of the mentors, I respect, appreciate and emulate is King David because of the kind of heart he had towards the Name of the Lord. He was a person whose heart was knitted with the heart of the Lord; no wonder he was called a man after God’s own heart.
There are no particular formulae to receive or get the Holy Spirit with an evidence of speaking in tongues but we can follow the examples in the bible people used to find Him or God, because the Holy Spirit coming on us is just the same as God coming to us.
All of our hearts should be focused or knitted on Christ Jesus and automatically, we will have the Holy Ghost.
In the Name of Jesus, I ask that my heart should always on the lookout for Your Person, amen!
Scripture Study
Psalm 42
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