1 Kings 3:5 New King James Version 5 At Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by night; and God said, “Ask! What shall I give you?”

Encounters are when God meets with men. There are many ways God has encountered or met with His children but one of the sure or potent one is through dreams. In our opening text; the Lord has an encounter with King Solomon through a dream.

Dreams are for encounters with the Lord. Even in the same Bible, people who are not part of God’s people had dreams and God’s people interpreted it to them – that is what took Joseph to the Palace.

When God encounters His children through dreams, it has an impact on their lives, because they are said to have met the Lord. But before the Lord will grant you an encounter in your dream by Himself, you need to be taking the simple dreams you have seriously, that will compel the Lord to give you an encounter with Himself.

The way to know if you take your dream life seriously is when you have a dream book; to be writing down what you see or realise in the dream and taking time to read and meditate on it.


In the Name of Christ Jesus, you will begin to have encounters in your dream life. May you begin to have meaningful dreams on a daily basis, amen.

365 – Day Chronological Bible Reading Plan – Day 145

1 Chronicles 23-25