John 7:38 || King James Version || He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

Belly – a place of God in His own wisdom where He resides in the heart of a man or the Christian. As God lives in us or resides in our belly; it means we need to give or disperse God as His children.

At every point in our lives, we should endeavour to disperse God through our thoughts, words and deeds. A group of people were first called Christians in history because they thought, spoke and behaved like Christ – Acts 4:13 & 11:26. It meant that, at that moment, they were dispersing Christ Jesus to their generation; this is what we need and ought to be doing.

God is in our belly (where God resides) as believers or Christians and it is our duty to emanate Him at all times.

One will ask, how can we emanate or disperse the Lord Christ Jesus or God? The life of Christ Jesus or God is captured in the pages of the Bible, just begin being studios with the Bible, your mind, words and deeds will start aligning with what is written in there, as that is being done, automatically, you will start dispersing God or Christ Jesus with the help of the Sweet Precious Holy Ghost, through your thought life, words and deeds.


In the Precious Name of Jesus, out of my belly shall flow rivers of living waters, amen.

365-Day Chronological Bible Reading Plan

 1 Samuel 9 – 12