Philippians 3:7 || New King James Version || But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ.
Glory and honour be to the Name of the Lord, Christ Jesus. All things were created by, for and through Christ Jesus. Colossians 1:16 & John 1:3
Everything on the universe revolves around the Son of God, Christ Jesus, this is why our lives needs to be lived for the glorification to Christ Jesus, no matter what; for in Him we live, move and have our being. Acts 17:28
In the year 1762, a Song writer, Charles Wesley, wrote; “A charge to keep I have and a God to glorify”. Child of God, we are on the earth to show forth the praises and the glory of He who called us from darkness into the Kingdom of His dear Son, Christ Jesus. 1 Peter 2:9
Our agenda on the earth is just one; to do the will of He who sent us, as Christ Jesus said in John 6:38. We are never for ourselves but for Him.
We need to come to a point in life where everything about us revolves around Christ Jesus, because that is the agenda we brought to the earth.
Precious Christ Jesus, I am glad I am for you, and all my life revolves around You, I was created and living on the earth for Your glory and extension, glory, honour and adoration be to Your Name, in the highest, hallelujah!
365-Day Chronological Bible Reading Plan
Joshua 5-8
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