Psalm 119:89 || New King James Version || Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven.

Oh Jesus Christ, we are grateful for Your Name and Your Word. The jurisdiction or the law making body of the entire universe happens to be heaven and that is said to be the abode of the Creator, Jehovah Elohim. This means that, whatever is written in the Word of God is already settled in heaven by our God, so all we need to do is just believe Him (the Word) and just move on, and I tell you of a truth, you will see changes or a betterment of life.

This is why, we are always admonished to go and stay with the Word of God, no matter what, because to be inline or on point with the Word of the Lord means, we are living heaven on the earth.

God created the universe or the earth but with this same Word of Himself (God), thus the power He has given man to dominate, multiply, subdue and replenish His creation is also found in this Same Word of Himself (God).

With this understanding and knowledge we need to dig deeper into the Word of God, and just take Him (the Word) as it is or He is or the promises made to us. For example, if the Word of God says that a believer needs to live in divine health, coupled with prosperity, we need just to accept and take it like that because the Word of God is already settled in Him by God.


In the Name of Jesus, the Word of God is yea and amen and settled in heaven, amen!

365-day Chronological Bible Reading Plan

Numbers 1-2