Psalm 119:58 || New King James Version || I entreated Your favour with my whole heart; be merciful to me according to Your word.

The mercy of the Lord simply means the help of God, nothing more and nothing less. What makes one deserve, have or receive the help or mercy of God is when one becomes a child of God because he or she is born again, that is; believing in their heart that Christ Jesus came on earth to die for their sins, and confessing or saying that which they believed in their heart on their mouth or lips. Romans 10:9-10

Be merciful to me according to Your (God) Word: this is a serious prayer. The mercy of the Lord comes or emanates from the love of God to our lives. Now the Psalmist prayed that prayer because of the amount of God he has or knows when it comes to the mercy of God. This is why I always entreat us to be studious with the Word of God, which is the only way we can be able to access His mercy, love and grace even through prayer.

The mercy of God is real but we need to go into the Word of God, acquire the knowledge and be able to appropriate it when any situation presents itself. God’s elect, there are about eight thousand (8,000) promises in the Bible, which is as a result of God’s mercy towards us; therefore let us start digging into the Word to be able to access, some, some and all.


In the Precious Name of Jesus, I access the Word of God and His mercy speaks for me, in the land of the living, amen!

365-day Chronological Bible Reading Plan

Exodus 33-35