Psalm 119:54 New King James Version || Your statutes have been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage.

Songs are just made up of words that come from the heart of humans. One of the powerful tools on the face of this planet are songs, before you realise, you are nodding your head to a tune unconsciously. When a man is in their trying times, one of the things that keep them going are songs. What the devil is even using to lure the heart of many are still songs, the same way songs are also one of the many ways our Lord God is using to take His children back to Himself.

As a believer, one of the elements to determine your spiritually most times are the amount of the songs in your heart for the Lord per time. This is why the Psalmist in our opening scripture calls songs to himself when he was on a foreign land.

God’s elect, do well to be intentional about using the Word or statutes of God to make songs and melodies in your heart to the Most High God. Songs are powerful and purely spiritual, either from the Holy Spirit of the living God or the spirit of the devil. There are songs that lift our hearts up, there are songs that talk about Christ Jesus and His love for us.

God’s elect, decide and choose to always use the Word or the statutes of God as songs in your heart and in your mouth for the Lord God, God bless you!


In the Name of Jesus, Your Words are songs on my heart and songs on my lips, amen!

365-day Chronological Bible Reading Plan

Exodus 30-32