Psalm 119:45 || King James Version || And I will walk at liberty: for I seek thy precepts.
God’s elect, we can never be at a disadvantage in life, no, and never, we just have two (2) options, which is to learn or to win. We are God’s children and He has made us kings and priests that we shall reign on the earth || Revelations 1:6 and 5:10
There are two systems under the sun, which is the system of His Kingdom under the tutelage of Christ Jesus and the systems of this world which is under the domain of the devil, all on the earth; this is why John 17:16 Tells us that we are in this world but not of this world and the devil is said to be the prince of this world, John 14:30
God’s elect, there are many things happening under the sun on this planet called the earth, but it should never come to God’s elect who knows where he or she stands in the Word of God. We need to walk in liberty, because we happen to be the salt (sweetness) of this earth || Matthew 5:13.
If we are able to live just like the scriptures or our introductory notes say; this means, we are walking in liberty just because we are in search of God’s Holy and Only Word. If we are really priests and kings that we shall reign on the earth, it doesn’t matter any shambles the earth might be in, we need to still live to the potential of our Lord Jesus.
In the Name of Christ Jesus, I walk in the liberty of the Word of God, amen!
365-day Chronological Bible Reading Plan
Exodus 10-12
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