Psalm 119:38 || New King James Version || Establish Your word to Your servant, who is devoted to fearing You.

Our opening scripture was a prayer topic for the Psalmist but it is recorded because it later became a reality in his life because our God is a prayer answering God; if there is a man to pray, there is a God to answer!


This opens up a call to us for our establishment in the Word of God; where no situation or happening can ever move us from the Word or the dictates in the Word of God. The proof that we are established in the Word of God is when we stand on the basis of the Word of God  no matter what, which first form is when we are able to run from sin or live a sin-free life, with the help of the Holy Spirit in the Precious Name of Jesus.


Before we would be established in the Word of God, we need to be devoted to fearing the Lord God, in the Name of Jesus and with the help of the Holy Ghost. The fear of the Lord is that holy reverence we give to God, knowing He is our Father and the Creator of the entire universe, where we take His Word as a law to our hearts even in our secret lives when no one is watching; for the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom || Proverbs 9:10



In the Name of Jesus, the fear of the Lord has encompassed my heart and I am established in the Word of God, nothing shakes me, I stand on the solid rock of Christ Jesus, amen!


365-day Chronological Bible Reading Plan

Genesis 48-50