Psalm 119:36 || New King James Version || Incline my heart to Your testimonies, and not to covetousness.

Testimonies are the acts and wonders of God in the life of a believer. It keeps us going and makes us grow and sustain our faith. The primary purpose of prayer is to have fellowship with our Father in heaven and the second is that heaven or God Himself should speak on our behalf, thus, the testimonies of God. 

You might be going through something that is discouraging to you as a believer but it is only the testimony of others that will keep you; simply saying in your heart, if the Lord has been able to do it for brother A, He will surely do it for me too.

The testimonies of God are synonymous to the Word of God too. Inclining our heart to the testimonies of the Lord means, we place the testimonies of the Lord God in our heart, which should or definitely be on our minds, lips and in deeds. Testimonies have the power to make you keep on believing the Lord; we are in times that we need the testimonies or Word of God the most because knowledge of all kinds has abound.

God’s elect, this is a prayer the Psalmist was praying to God, it should also be our prayer that, in this times that the heart and love of many are waxing cold, the Lord God Himself in the Name of Jesus by the help of the Precious Holy Spirit to make our hearts incline to the testimonies of the Lord Christ Jesus, amen!

365-day Chronological Bible Reading Plan

Genesis 46-47