Psalm 119:34 || New King James Version || Give me understanding, and I shall keep Your law; Indeed, I shall observe it with my whole heart.

God’s elect, your heart is very important and key in this your Christian walk and experience, this is why Proverbs 4:23; Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.

We might not be able to see your heart but we can know your heart based on how you talk, dress or even act, Jesus told them out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks; Matthew 12:34. God’s elect, we cannot follow the Lord to yield results when and if we do not follow Him with the whole of our hearts, where we are willing to obey some of His Word and some not, please no. 

There are times you seem addicted to some kind of sin, genuinely that you are asking the Lord to give you grace to come out of it, but there are times too, you need to just decide to follow Him and His Word with the entirety of your heart.

The whole heart means, you follow the Lord or His Word wholehearted and willing to follow all His Word or law, not 50/50, 60/40 or even 99/1, no, all the 100% should be to the Lord of Host. Whenever a situation comes up, what you should ask first is, what does the Holy Ghost or the Word of God say about that? And your reaction should be based on the Word of God or what the Holy Ghost says about the situation.


I am blessed by the Lord, amen!

365-day Chronological Bible Reading Plan

Genesis 43-45