Psalm 119:28 || New King James Version || My soul [a]melts from [b]heaviness; Strengthen me according to Your word.
Every prayer topic or petition that any man has made to the Lord in Holy Scripture is for us to follow suit; the Word of God is our strength. Strength is that energy or ability that brings back anything weak in us to life for work. One of the cankers eating the youth of today is bipolar or depression, which is a weakness that comes from the devil to destroy or sometimes to even kill the victim.
The Word of God has the power to give strength to such a person. The Word of God is quick and powerful, sharper than any two edged sword, which also has the power to discern between born and marrow and soul and spirit. You giving yourself to the Word of God simply means, you are giving yourself to the power of God and the power of God is for our saving from any weakness or anything from the devil (any negative thing).
God’s elect, do you seem weak or inadequate in any area of your life? I got good news for you; stick to the Word of God to be strengthened. One of the days in the Book of Daniel, he was weak because of fasting and prayers but strength entered him immediately an angel of the Lord brought the Word of God to his hearing || Daniel 10:19
In the Precious Name of Christ Jesus, I am strengthened in my inner-man, soul, spirit and body by the power in the Word of God; I have no weakness in me, hallelujah, amen!
365-day Chronological Bible Reading Plan
Genesis 25-26
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