Psalm 119:27 New King James Version || Make me understand the way of Your precepts; so shall I meditate on Your wonderful works.

Understanding is very key in the life of a person and even a Christian while we walk the earth. Understanding always walks with knowledge and wisdom; knowledge is the ability to know, wisdom is using the knowledge either positively or negatively and understanding happens to be how you apply that acquired knowledge, thus understanding always has to do with the “how”.

Therefore, the Writer asks that God should give him understanding that is how to use His precepts, which is also the Word of God. God’s elect, let us desire, seek and pray to understand the precepts of the Word of our Loving and Living Lord God.

This kind of understanding will come when and if we stick to the Word or precepts of the Living God through the Holy Bible. This is the only way we can be skillful to know how and understand the Word of God which has to do with everything about knowing God and how to live on the earth, especially, with humanity and her surroundings.

God’s elect, having an understanding about the Word of God, will make you know God, and knowing God will begin to let you know the heart or mind of God, how God talks, and how He acts and automatically, you will begin to live in obedience to the Word of God and that is when the power of the Most High will overshadow you to be a god on the earth.


In the Name of Jesus, I have an understanding of the Word of God as I study Him, amen!

365-day Chronological Bible Reading Plan

Genesis 22-24