Psalm 119:24 || New International Version || Your statutes are my delight; they are my counselors.
A counselor is someone who place people on the right path or track to run their lives; this is mainly done by advising through talking to people. Our opening verse is telling us to take or have the Word of God as our counselor.
God’s elect, there are issues you might not be able to discuss with anybody on earth, because man will never believe you but what you are feeling and saying is of a truth. When this happens, especially, as young as you are, you do not go and confine in friends who are ignorant just like you but you rather turn to Word of God as your counsellor.
The Word of God might not talk emphatically about your feelings or additions in this present age but I tell you, as you develop passion and a relationship with the Word of God, the Holy Spirit in His own wisdom has a way of using that same Word of God to calm each and every situation in your life. The Word of God is the most ancient book with the most current wisdom; Bishop Dr. David Oyedepo
God’s elect, let us make the Word of God our counselor because He has the power to make us live a victorious life. Depression has no deal or contact with you as a youth or a teen if and when you decide to have the Word of God as your counselor as we have been admonished.
In the Name of Jesus, I settle to use the Word of God as my counsellor, I have a relationship with the Word of God, amen!
365-day Chronological Bible Reading Plan
Genesis 16-18
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