Psalm 119:18 || New King James Version || Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things from Your law.
The opening of the spiritual eye of the believer is something which should be desired and prayed for, for every believer in Christ Jesus. Well, it was a prayer topic for the Writer but this can also be the consciousness of every one who seeks to know God through His Word.
The reason why people see things differently from other people is based on the kind of eyes they have or have realised over time. Someone might see sex before marriage to be a normal thing and pleasurable, but the serious Christian will see it as a sin or an abomination; this is based on the eyes one has.
Beloved of the Lord in Christ Jesus; I pray and ask that the Precious Holy Spirit in His own wisdom open the eyes of your understanding, so you would be able to see what the normal person cannot see when he or she picks the Bible. The believer must see wondrous things in the Word of God when he or she sets his or her heart to know the Lord.
There is some kind of sweetness and pleasure that comes when one picks the Bible knowing very well that the Lord will talk to him or her through the scriptures; that is what we call “revelation; the revealed Word of the Lord to the heart of a person”.
In the Name of Christ Jesus, my eyes are opened to the Word of God through the fellowship of the Sweet Precious Holy Ghost, I see Christ Jesus through the pages of the Scriptures, amen!
365-day Chronological Bible Reading Plan
Job 35-37
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