Hebrews 4:2 New King James Version || For indeed the gospel was preached to us as well as to them; but the word which they heard did not profit them, [a]not being mixed with faith in those who heard it.

The Word of God is and should be to our profit as children of God; everything God has ever done or created is and should be to the profit of His children; for the child of God can never be disadvantaged, either he wins or  learns.

Every time you pick or hear the Word of God, one thing should be certain in your mind and heart that there would definitely be some kind of profiting, your soul which consists of your mind, intellects, or emotions or even your body; there should be something tangible about you that the Word of God will profit, it might not get registered on your mind, but just know by faith that the Word of God has profit something about you which should be evident to all over time.

We have to be really conscious and intentional about the Word of God if and when we really and truly want to be profited by and with the Word of God. There should be a positive attitude, character or behaviour with the ever readiness of heart when receiving the Word of God, either His being preached to us or we are reading or studying Him by ourselves.

We should approach the Word of God with the mindset that He should profit us in various ways, by doing so the Word of God will begin to profit us.


In the Name of Jesus, I am profited by and with the Word of God, amen!

Scripture Study

Hebrews 4

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