Hosea 4:6 New King James Version || My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.

God’s elect, there is some kind of power and confidence that comes with knowing the Word of God; it makes you know you are in charge and also enables your walk with the Holy Ghost because the only thing or person the Holy Ghost comes to reveal to us is the Word in the Person of Christ Jesus. 

Knowing the Word of God is work which will never come on a silver platter, but there is a point in life where the Holy Ghost in His own wisdom gives the passion and the thirst for the Word, which makes it easier for you to pick, read or study. 

Ignorance before the law is no excuse; God Himself tells the Prophet Hosea that because His own people who bear His Name have rejected knowledge, He will also reject them. God’s elect, we have to do anything possible by the power of the Holy Ghost to maintain and sustain the ability to be studious with the Word of God because that is the only Person who reveals ourselves in God to us or to you.

One of the proof that you are a child of God is the amount of the Word of God you know.


In the Name of Jesus, I am studious with and on the Word of God, I know Christ Jesus intimately because I know the Word of God, I have the discipline to know and to be obedient to the Word of God, amen!

Scripture Study

Hosea 4