Jeremiah 15:16 New King James Version || Your words were found, and I ate them, and Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart; for I am called by Your name, O Lord God of hosts.

Prophet Jeremiah, found the Word of God and he did them. How do we eat the Word of God? Eating the Word should be as knowing the Word of God like how we do know the names of our friends or our neighbourhood, or how we know the number of rooms we live or stay in.

God’s elect, eat means eat; the average person on earth eats three times in a day and twenty one times in a week; according to the opening or main scripture, it means the number of times we eat physical food for our nourishment should have a link or should be equal to how many times we eat or read or study the Word of God.

God’s elect, it is only the Word of God which has eternal (life after death) value, all things shall pass but it only the Word of God which will not pass, so why then do we focus on the temporary whiles we should be keeping our focus on the eternal, which is the Word of God?

God’s elect, find the Word of God, anywhere and anyhow and just begin to eat Him like how you eat your breakfast, brunch, lunch, supper and even sweet after meals and you will find out the making power of God in your life.


I am blessed, beyond every curse, I find the Word of God, I eat Him and I am what the Word of God says I am, amen!

Scripture Study

 Jeremiah 15