James 1:21 New King James Version || Therefore lay aside all filthiness and [a]overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.

Meekness is the humble state of the heart of the believer; where he or she will just accept anything that comes from the Lord either through his or her heart or through the Word, which could be rebuke, correction, direction, the list can be endless. In one of the accounts of the Israelites in the Old Testament, God calls them “a stiff necked people (Exodus 32:9)”; this meant they did not receive anything the Lord, even His Word with meekness, that make them disobedience to what the Lord was doing in their lives.

The sign of being meek is when you are able to receive the Word of the Lord with ever readiness of heart irrespective of your ideologies about that said Word of God to you. At times people get angry at men of God who speak the Word of God to them; that is pride anyway.

It is only the meek who can receive the Word of the Lord God, which will eventually do something positive in their lives. Our hearts need to be meek to always receive the Words of the Lord, either through His written Word or Scriptures or through that still small voice in our hearts that keep on talking to us. 

Be humble and always receive with meekness the Word of God.


In the Name of Jesus, I am meek before the Word of the Lord, at any time and everywhere, I am not stiff necked, my heart is always humbled and meek to receive the Word of God, amen!

Scripture Study

Exodus 32