James 1:21 New King James Version || Therefore lay aside all filthiness and [a]overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.
Man is made up with spirit, soul and body; with our spirit, we contact the Spirit of God because we are to worship the Lord in Spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24), with our soul, we contact the intellectual realm, which is the realm of logic, emotions, our will or the mind realm (Genesis 2:7), with our body we contact this physical realm, which includes the very five (5) senses of man, the sense of touch, smell, taste, hearing and sight.
After death, the spirit of a man, returns to God, the body returns to the earth because man was formed from the dust of the earth (Genesis 2:7), but the soul of the man has to either go to God which is heaven or the devil which is hell and the only person who saves the soul of a man is the Word of God; this is why Jesus said; what shall it profit a man, when he gains the whole world and loses his soul? (Mark 8:36)
God’s elect, the Word of God is so key and important in the life of a man or a person because He will speak for you even after death; this is why we need to do anything possible on the face of this earth to be able to know the word of God and liveHim because He will have an eternal reward. Our level of wealth or education will never matter after death, but the Word of God we know, will.
The Lord helps me!
Scripture Study
Mark 8
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