Psalm 119:15 New King James Version || I will meditate on Your precepts, and contemplate Your ways.
God’s elect, the Word of God, was captured in the Bible for our usage in many ways; without Him being used, which is when our lives will be the same as the people without God.
We are admonished here that we need to meditate on the Word or precepts of the Lord and contemplate on His ways. The mind or thinking faculty of a person is so powerful that it will eventually or overtime produce what it keeps or thinking or meditating on.
Meditation is when the Word of God is thought on over a period of time, then the Word of God becomes part of you, you think Him, talk Him and act Him even without thinking; this is when we can say you or one has meditated on the Word of God over a period of time and you will be a champion at everywhere you see or find yourself.
To meditate on the Word of the Lord, you need to first get the Word of the Lord in your heart or mind, by studying or keeping an eye or mind on Him; “Deuteronomy 6:7 New King James Version || You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.” – That is my best scripture definition for meditation; the point where you think of Him, talk Him and even act Him without thinking or involuntarily.
In the Name of Jesus, I receive the grace to be meditative upon Your Word; the Lord Jesus is always praised, amen!
Scripture Study
Deuteronomy 6
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