Hebrews 4:13 New King James Version || And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.
Before any examination, there should be a lesson taught to the writer of the examination. In other words, before there would be any examination or results in any aspect of life, there should be a standard that would request for those results. We have earlier established the fact and truth that there is a personality for the Word of God who is in the Person of Christ Jesus.
Therefore, there is a day of reckoning or making an account because the Word has been taught or being our standard of living. God’s elect, we cannot afford to live an anyhow life all in the name of human right or democracy, because we are lovers of righteousness and we have a God to be accountable to and never man; please I am not condemning the authority of men over our lives because there were given for our profit as well.
The Word of God should be adhered to, obeyed and practised, failure to do that is disobedience to our God but His mercy and grace always speaks for us and will keep on speaking for us. The Bible says, for the lack of knowledge, my people perish (Hosea 4:6), therefore ignorance of the law is no excuse; you will face judgement when you are at fault.
God’s elect, this is the reason why we need to search into the Word of God, to know exactly what will be required of us or from us, knowing very well that we would be accountable to the Word of God (Christ Jesus).
Scripture Study
Hosea 4
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