2 Timothy 3:16 King James Version || All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
God’s elect, we established yesterday that the earth or world is under corruption or decadence because the ruling person in charge is the devil or satan. Therefore, we are always bound in making mistakes because mainly we do not consult Father of all spirits, but because of His loving-kindness never has an end in our lives, He placed the Word of God in our hands and hearts to be correcting us, whenever we err.
The human being is always wise in his or her own mind, until he or she crushes but because the Lord God does not want His beloved children crush, He has to bring about the rod of correction which is the Word of God. There are thoughts that we have entertained, words and deeds, but as soon as we get to the Word of God, we immediately realize we have being in error all these while, therefore we quickly repent and allow the rod of the Lord, which is the Word of correct us.
One of the proves that we are children of God and also have a good relationship with the Holy Spirit is when we allow Him correct us because of us having a “teachable spirit/mind”. We need to always be ready for the word of the Lord to change us through correction into the Image of His Dear Son, in the Person of Christ Jesus.
In the Name of Jesus, I accept correction, rebuke and live to the standard of the Word of God, I have the willingness to accept correction from the Word, amen!
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