Joshua 1:3 New King James Version || every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you, as I said to Moses.

Psalm 24:1 New King James Version || the earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein.

The listed scriptures are the word of the Lord to His children which is us. A “place” is a “place”, the place of school; the place of church, the place of work, the place of stay (wherever you find yourself under the sun) has been given to you by your Father in heaven.

This means, there is nowhere failure should be mentioned among us for any reason, because our Lord God in the Person of Christ Jesus told us to take charge wherever we see ourselves just because He has given it to us in accordance with Joshua 1:3.

God’s elect, let us therefore walk with this mindset; the mind of a person is very important and crucial in this our Christian life. One of the powers the Lord left for man is the power of the mind that is used in decision making.

Thus, with the mindset that wherever the sole of our feet shall tread is given to us by the power of the Holy Scriptures, we will begin to think, talk and act as champions because that is who we are in Christ Jesus.

God’s elect, the Bible is to tell us our identity or who we are in the Name of Jesus, I submit this truth to you that, you accept and believe it and you will be a sign and a wonder.


In the Name of Jesus, I take charge, everywhere I see myself, amen!

Scripture Study

Joshua 1

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