Proverbs 3:6 New King James Version || In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall [a]direct your paths.
To really understand, know and appreciate the Lord or your Christian experience the most, it is very important and dependent on how much of the Holy Bible you know or at least the happenings in there; this is why I always recommend the word of God and prayer.
Acknowledgement is the state of recognising the presence of something or someone. Thus, to acknowledge the Lord means the recognition of the existence of our God. Now, the average person on the planet earth has some kind of knowledge about God, if nothing at all, they know there was or is a God which or who created the universe or the earth.
As a believer, to acknowledge the Lord should not just be in our mind or heads, or just having the knowledge about it, but it should be able to transform into our words and that will definitely inform how we act or behave.
Acknowledging the Lord during or before dinning will make you pray or bless the food before you eat it, it will make us pray before we go to bed, it will make us pray on awake, it will make us behave towards people well, it will help us know exactly the things we watch, touch, see, feel and even smell.
God’s elect, our opening verse, is telling us that the Lord can only direct our steps or paths if and when we acknowledge Him, in all our ways.
In the Name of Jesus, I am aware of the existence and the power of God in my lives, I acknowledge the Lord God in every step of my way in life, Jesus be praised, amen!
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