Matthew 12:50 New King James Version – For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother.”
God’s elect, the will of the Father, is just what the Father so desires, expects and wishes from us. As our earthly fathers desires/wills/likes/wish/expects us to learn at school, live a good life to become good people in life, same way God also wants or wills that His children will do His will or His desires for Him.
You also have a will to become a doctor, an architect, a lawyer, or even an author like me, a pastor. You even want your family to be the richest on the earth. A will is just a desire, but for the will of anyone to be played into action is the real thing for the child of God.
The standard of Christ Jesus here for us being His brother and or sister is based on the obedience to the will of the Father in heaven.
God’s elect, Jesus was talking to some people in His days while He walked the earth but it was also written to us, for He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). Obedience is something in this Kingdom that makes Jesus relate to us, as a friend, a brother, a sister or even a mother as we have seen in our opening verse.
The will of God comes through the word of God as we study it, and also through prayer, most of the time; it comes to our hearts as simple thoughts.
In the Name of Jesus, I discern and recognize the will of the Father and I am obedient to it, amen!
Scripture Study
1 Kings 13
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