Proverbs 10:5 The Message – Make hay while the sun shines—that’s smart;
go fishing during harvest—that’s stupid.
Hay is a type of weed or grass that is prepared during sunshine which has numeral uses. God’s elect, there is time for everything in this life. The wise person is one who knows the timings of both the Spirit and the physical to know exactly what to do per time.
A day is made up of twenty four (24) hours, but within that hours, the clouds may gather, the sun might shine, darkness will come, it might even rain, and also know that the body will also be tired at a point and it will definitely demand its rest; wisdom demands you know exactly what to do pertaining to the whether so that you will not waste the moment or time.
God’s elect, a time is coming when your parents will stop feeding you, this is why they are putting you through school or a trade so when that time comes, you can also feed yourself and probably a family attached to you.
So when the years of schooling or learning a trade passes without you learning anything for your sustenance, what will you now eat or how will you help if a family is attached to you?
This is the reason why we need to heed to instructions for whatsoever, especially the one from parents and even the ones ahead of us in society or even in a profession.
In the Name of Christ Jesus, I receive wisdom and the strength to be able to make Hay while the sun shines, and I have the discernment to know the times and seasons and what to do to the Pleasing of God the Father, amen!
Scripture Study
Proverbs 10
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